Sunday 6 November 2011

These sporty Italians are crazy 21st Agosto 2011

These sporty Italians are crazy 21st Agosto 2011

There are some strange sporting practices from the Italians. Generally it is very frustrating for the following reason - they never exercise, when they do they spend their whole time doing there hair, plucking their eyebrows and looking in the mirror. And that's the boys. The girls stink the gym out with too much perfume and do no exercise at all. And despite all this they are still really really skinny - go figure - even despite they eat all the pizza and pasta in the world. Gits.

However, some of them do train well, and with any country, especially one as different to the UK as this, there are some strange little things they do and this one is one of the strangest.

I live on a very hilly road - very very hilly. At one point it is 22% inline on a bend - terrifying on a bend, in fact one time recently after a little rain I went into a nasty skid on my bike that I was lucky to get out of. There are no pavements and it is narrow. In the distance you can see mountains, well hills significantly over 900m, not sure if they are mountains by Italy standard but they certainly would be by UK standard (I think Snowdon is just under 1000m). The other end of the road it becomes the "strada biancha" - that is the famous white roads of Tuscany that are unpaved. Here it descends at 27%. Before it gets to that stage it goes through two very very sharp hairpins.
And very so often I see a guy running up and down pushing an enormous barrel. A massive shoulder high barrel. I have no idea how he gets it there, or how he controls it or gets it up the hills but it is impressive. I actually think he might be one of the local cycling shop workers, but I am not sure. I have seen him a couple of times this summer with other fatter people. He is lean and mean and I think that he might act as a personal trainer as these guys are wobbly.
Anyway it is random and another fun quirky thing of Tuscany.
Happy training!

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