Saturday 12 November 2011

Hai vinto!! 12th novembre 2011

Hai vinto!! 12th novembre 2011

Many things remain to be absolutely perplexing and confounding in Italy. Supermarkets are always interesting, food is strange and shopping styles continue to perplex. One of the major supermarkets is the Coop. Of course, pronounced in the local dialect it is more like "ho'p" with a long-sounded "o".
Dawn popped in quickly before work yesterday to buy a couple of items "fare la spesa" before going to fly to LatAm today. She picked up a couple of items and went to the checkout, after paying the checkout girl said to her "hai vinto!" - "you've won" - there was then a huge kerfuffle, the manager was called and an official photographer. She was getting excited and there was a delay of about 40 minutes whilst all the kerfuffle took place. And at the end of it what had she won? A car? A year's shopping? A trolley dash? Sadly, it was none of the above, but a bottle of own-brand extra virgin olive oil - at a value of €5.60 - woo hoo.
Was it really worth it?
Maybe she had won a car or something, and the locals realising that she was a foreigner (staniera) replaced it with a bottle of olive oil. We will never know.
However, we do have a bottle of olive oil and a receipt with "hai vinto" written on it :)

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